Chrome Plating Removal Techniques for CNC Machining Parts(precision casting parts Parker)

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In the world of precision engineering and manufacturing, CNC machining plays a vital role. It enables the production of intricate and complex parts with utmost accuracy and consistency. A crucial aspect often involved in CNC machining is chrome plating removal. This article will delve into different techniques used to effectively remove chrome plating from CNC machined parts.

Chrome Plating and Its Application:

Before understanding the process of chrome plating removal, it is essential to have an insight into what chrome plating entails. Chrome plating, also known as chromium electroplating, is a surface finishing technique widely utilized in various industries. The purpose of this process is to enhance the appearance of the part while offering improved durability and corrosion resistance.

CNC Machining and Chrome Plating:

During the CNC machining process, chrome plating is applied to surfaces to ensure resistance against wear, reduce friction, and improve aesthetics. However, there are instances where removing the chrome plating becomes necessary due to design changes, repairs, or reworking requirements.

Methods for Chrome Plating Removal in CNC Machining:

1. Mechanical Abrasion:
Mechanical abrasion involves physically scrubbing the surface using abrasive materials such as sandpaper, wire brushes, or abrasive wheels. This method requires expertise to avoid damaging the underlying material. The intensity of abrasion varies depending on the thickness of the chrome plating layer.

2. Chemical Stripping:
Chemical stripping is a commonly used method to remove chrome plating from CNC machined parts. It involves immersing the part in a chemical solution that dissolves the plated layer. Various chemicals like sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid are typically employed for this purpose. Careful handling and appropriate safety measures should be implemented when utilizing chemical agents.

3. Electrolysis:
Electrolysis utilizes electrical energy to facilitate the separation of the chrome plating layer from the base material. The part is immersed in an electrolyte solution, and a direct current (DC) source is connected to form an electrical circuit. This causes the chrome plating to disintegrate and detach from the part, leaving behind the desired surface.

4. Thermal Stripping:
Thermal stripping involves heating the CNC machined part to high temperatures using specialized equipment like induction heaters or ovens. The heat causes the expansion of the chrome layer, leading to its separation from the underlying metal. Although effective, this method should be executed cautiously to prevent any thermal damage to the part itself.

Considerations for Chrome Plating Removal:

1. Safety Measures:
When dealing with chrome plating removal, it is crucial to ensure proper ventilation, wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles to avoid contact with harmful chemicals or particles.

2. Surface Preparation:
Before implementing any chrome plating removal technique, proper cleaning and preparation of the part's surface are essential. Removing grease, oil, or contaminants will facilitate better results during the removal process.

3. Professional Assistance:
If you lack experience or encounter significant challenges during the chrome plating removal process, it is advisable to seek assistance from professionals who specialize in CNC machining and surface treatment.


Removing chrome plating from CNC machined parts might become a necessary step when design changes or reworking requirements arise. Mechanical abrasion, chemical stripping, electrolysis, and thermal stripping are common techniques used for this purpose. However, caution must be exercised throughout the process to protect both personnel and the integrity of the machined parts themselves. Consulting professionals can often provide valuable guidance for successful chrome plating removal and subsequent modifications required in CNC machining. CNC Milling